Nacho Rojo
Researcher & Communicator

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Nacho Rojo
Researcher & Communicator
Belonging to the latest batch of researchers and reporters focused on the world of parasciences that emerged in the early 1990s in Spain, he identifies with the first generations of researchers who dedicated themselves to clarifying the UFO phenomenon.
He has published more than 500 articles and research news on UFOs, cryptozoology, archeology, and other heterodox-related issues. He is a contributor to the international publication Enigmas founded by Fernando Jiménez del Oso, Año/Cero, Más allá de la Ciencia, and other specialized written media. He actively participated in the newspaper dedicated entirely to mystery called Enigmas Express. He also collaborates in El Ojo Critico, a specialized magazine dedicated to paranormal frauds, directed by researcher Manuel Carballal.
From 1993 to 2004 he collaborated in the UFO section of the Investigación magazine directed and edited by Francisco Cabrera and Pilar Galvin. In this media, he has published and developed works dedicated to clarifying UFO phenomenology, highlighting his work as a UFO thinker. His Ovnis. Auge, caída y transformación de un mito moderno essay stands out. In the ufological field, he focused his interest on the wave of aircraft of 1896-1897, which led him to compile and publish several works dedicated entirely to said event, as well as to publish in 2023 his work Los Ovnis de Julio Verne. ¿Máquinas de otros mundos en el siglo xix? in which this historical phenomenon is contextualized along with the work of Julio Verne. He has also edited a monograph dedicated to the Chupacabras (Chupacabras. Análisis de una leyenda contemporánea. Investigación Magazine, 1998). Likewise, he is the author of an investigation on the Stones of Ica where he demonstrates their falsehood, he also wrote a piece alluding to the topic called Ica. La increíble historia de un pasado que nunca existió (2020).
A regular contributor to radio talk shows, he has participated in different congresses and conferences on UFOs, highlighting his participation in the three National Congresses of Mystery Journalism held in Malaga.