Griselda Vidiella
Director of the FAC
Centre Terapèutic Alternatiu de Catalunya
How to vibrate in the fifth dimension?
Do you want to know why you can't connect with your higher self?
In this theoretical-practical talk, Griselda Vidiella will begin by explaining that, more than 30 years ago, she had a connection with the beings of Sirius B that lasted two years. Through this connection, Griselda was shown a new methodology for people to unblock themselves energetically and reconnect with their Essence. From here, Griselda will describe what this methodology consists of and clarify why it is so difficult for us to connect with our higher self.
Finally, Griselda will offer the possibility that, if anyone in the audience is interested, she can give a small practical demonstration of this methodology.
Griselda Vidiella is a naturopath, psychotherapist and creator of the Keymac Method. Griselda founded FAC Centro Terapéutico Alternativo de Cataluña in 1992 and, since then, she has been applying the Keymac Method with the people she visits.
Through this personal wellness program, the person frees themselves from the energetic blockages of emotional origin that prevent them from living fully and, at the same time, they experience a process of self-knowledge to reconnect with their true nature, that is, to live from the BEING. Griselda explains this methodology in detail in her book "A new awakening. To Be or To Be, the big difference", published in 2016 by Ediciones Luciérnaga. Likewise, in this book, Griselda delves into the meaning of life and the work ends up translating into a call that invites all readers to know themselves and open awareness.