Terms & Conditions for the Purchase and Sale of Tickets to The Ufology World Congress
Conditions for the Sale of Tickets to The Ufology World Congress Website and Organizer.- www.theufologyworldcongress.com is a website owned by WE ARE LOVE S.L., who in turn is the organizer of the event called: "The Ufology World Congress". Purpose and legal regime.- The acquisition of the entry through this website, or through the channels and points of sale authorized by this site, grants the right to the buyer / purchaser / user to attend the event called "The Ufology" World Congress "on the day, place and time established in the purchase Ticket, and under the conditions that are added to them. The law applicable to this contract is that of the Kingdom of Spain, and they are governed by the rights and obligations established in the purchase agreement established in the Spanish Civil Code.
The Contracting Parties.- On the one hand, there is the purchaser / purchaser / user, which may be a natural or legal person, who through the present website or through the channels or points of sale authorized by it, buys the ticket to attend the event "The Ufology World Congress"; and on the other, WE ARE LOVE SL, the organizing company of the event "The Ufology World Congress", identified with CIF B67053173, with registered office in Gran Vía de las Cortes Catalanes Nº 514, 1º-8º, CP 08015 Barcelona, registered in the Registry Mercantile of Barcelona in Volume 46044, Folio 215, Sheet 507695, 1st Inscription, who is in turn the one who sells the ticket for the aforementioned congress and who organizes or undertakes to do the same. Accreditation of the purchase.- When the user / purchaser buys the ticket for the event "The Ufology World Congress", through this website or the channels or sales points that authorize the same web page, receive as soon as possible possible a ticket or receipt proving the purchase, which indicates the type of ticket you have purchased, and which is in turn the only document that proves the right to attend the event, which must be delivered at the time of accessing the tickets. facilities of the site together with the identity document of who acquires it. In the case of acquiring more than one ticket under the same purchase procedure, and in order to carry out an organizational control of the event, it is necessary that you send an email to info@theufologyworldcongress.com, and identify the people who will attend that event. In such case, remember that it can only be done up to 05 working days from the start of the event "The Ufology World Congress". Improvement of the sale.- Through this website, WE ARE LOVE S.L. offers the public the possibility of attending the event "The Ufology World Congress" on the day and place determined for each edition; and it is only when the interested party - whether a natural or legal person - pays the amount of the tickets through this website or of the channels or points of sale authorized by the same, that this contract is perfected, displaying this all its legal effects.
Obligations of the Producer / Event Organizer.- WE ARE LOVE S.L. as an organizing company of the event called "The Ufology World Congress", it is obliged - once the aforementioned purchase has been perfected - that the user can access the facilities of the venue where the event will be held, assigning the location described in the purchase ticket in the days and times previously established, and under the descriptions that have been reviewed. The obligation of WE ARE LOVE S.L. in this case only covers the user enjoyment and enjoyment of the benefits indicated in the ticket, so, it is the user who must pay for the trip and foresee with the utmost diligence personarse within the hours described in the purchase ticket. For the interest of all attendees, WE ARE LOVE S.L. reserves the right not to allow the access of those users / purchasers / buyers to the facilities where the congress will take place, if this prevents the normal development of production; and can, as far as possible, allow access outside the hours allowed on the ticket, but always, within the breaks and intermediates of the presentations.
Obligations of the spectator / assistant.- The purchaser / buyer / user who acquires the ticket to the event "The Ufology World Congress" through this website or the channels or points of sale authorized by the same, is obliged to the following conditions : Pay the amount in money of the tickets in the points of sale authorized by this Web site, not being able the buyer later to roll back the operation or request his extorno. Once the sale has been perfected, there is no right of withdrawal, as the company has already launched the necessary executions for the realization of the event. The buyer must personally appear at the doors of the congress facilities on the day and time determined on the purchase ticket. You must access it together with the purchase ticket and the personal identity document. If for reasons beyond the control of the purchaser, it does not reach the time established in the ticket, the buyer may access it within the rest periods established in the programming brochure. The purchaser / buyer / user / spectator / assistant undertakes not to generate any uproar, disturbance or conflict situation, within the facilities at the beginning, during the development, or even after the congress has ended, committing to abandon it once it has been completed. and in the event of being required by the event staff or organization, and / or authorized personnel of the venue. The organization reserves the right to deny access to those buyers who have symptoms of having used drugs or alcohol, or who perform any act against morality or good manners.
The purchaser / user / buyer / assistant / viewer / visitor or similar, undertakes not to sell, resell and / or assign the tickets they have acquired. The organizer of the event does not recognize in any way the validity of said transmission and as a consequence may deny access to the venue due to said circumstances. In the event that the purchaser / buyer / user can not attend the "The Ufology World Congress" event and wishes to donate their ticket, they can only transfer them through the change of ownership procedure, and with prior approval of the event organizer, and as long as is made with at least 05 business days at the start of the event or 30 calendar days before the start of the event in the exclusive cases of tickets that carry the accommodation and / or respective food. Change of Ownership.- The purchaser / acquirer / user that has purchased through this Website or through its channels and points established in it, may not change ownership, except in cases where it can not attend the event for justifiable reasons, with prior approval of the organizer, and provided that it is made within 05 business days of the initiation of the same or 30 calendar days in the exclusive cases of the tickets that carry lodging and food. To do this, you must send an email to info@theufologyworldcongress.com in the indicated deadlines, attaching to it the Ticket or receipt proving the purchase and the indication of the person who will attend the event. Subsequently, the organization will send the steps to continue.
Suspension and / or cancellation of the event.- Once the ticket has been purchased, there will be no right of withdrawal, since the organization has already begun the execution of the necessary acts for the realization of the congress. Once the "The Ufology World Congress" event has begun, there will be no right to return, refund or refund the amounts of the tickets purchased; nor, in the cases that this is suspended or canceled for reasons beyond production or due to extraordinary or climatological circumstances. If the suspension and / or cancellation of the congress is due to causes attributable to the organization, WE ARE LOVE S.L. it undertakes to pay the amount of the ticket to the purchaser / buyer / user who bought it. For such payment, the buyer must request it within 30 calendar days to the email info@theufologyworldcongress.com, attaching to it the ticket and the proof of purchase receipt. Subsequently, the organization will communicate the form and procedure for payment.
Right of compensation.- Notwithstanding the foregoing, all purchaser / buyer / user who having attended the event "The Ufology World Congress" does not feel that the services indicated in the purchase ticket have been fulfilled or that they were defective , you can request a compensation from the organization of the company within one month of the end of the indicated event. For this purpose, the organization will assess said claim, and if it is considered to be well founded, it will inform the acquirer / buyer / user of the compensation method. Jurisdictional Jurisdiction.- In case of disagreement, the parties of the present contract of sale for the event "The Ufology World Congress", submit to the jurisdiction and jurisdiction of the Courts of the domicile of the purchaser / purchaser / user. In case of being an entrepreneur or legal person who acquires them, the Judges and Courts of the city of Barcelona will be competent.
Protection of personal data.- In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of individuals with regard to treatment of personal data and the free circulation of these data, and following the recommendations and instructions issued by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, it is informed that the personal data requested and provided by you will be incorporated into a privately owned file of responsibility of WE ARE LOVE SL Jurisdictional Jurisdiction.- In case of disagreement, the parties of the present contract of sale for the event "The Ufology World Congress", submit to the jurisdiction and jurisdiction of the Courts of the domicile of the purchaser / purchaser /user. In case of being an entrepreneur or legal person who acquires them, the Judges and Courts of the city of Barcelona will be competent.
To this end, it is necessary to tell them that only those data necessary to adequately provide the requested services will be requested, and it may be necessary to collect contact data from third parties, such as legal representatives, guardians or, in their charge, designated persons. All data collected by this company have a commitment to confidentiality, with security measures established by law, and under no circumstances be transferred or treated by third parties, physical or legal, without the prior consent of the purchaser / purchaser / user of this contract or the corresponding legal guardian or representative, except in those cases in which it is essential for the correct provision of the service. Once the "The Ufology World Congress" event is over, your data will be archived and kept for a minimum period of three years, after which it will remain archived or, failing that, will be returned in full to the purchaser / buyer / user of this contract. The data you provided will be included in the file called: "The Ufology World Congress Tickets Buyer", for the purpose of managing the contracted service, issuing invoices, contact; as well as, all the related procedures for the execution of the aforementioned event. In case of being an entrepreneur or legal person who acquires them, the Judges and Courts of the city of Barcelona will be competent.
To this end, with the acquisition and / or purchase of the ticket to the event "The Ufology World Congress" you express your consent for the processing of your data and acknowledge in this act to be informed about the exercise of your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of your data, for which you must inform this organization through a written document signed by you, along with your identity document sent to the registered office of this company designated in the heading of this instrument.